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The Team 


Hidden Gems Camps LLC, was founded  by Tyler Pearson in the beginning of 2021. Tyler Pearson oversees operations of Hidden Gems Camps LLC.


Hidden Gems would not be able to complete its vision without the help of the selected coaches and outsourced staff that we select for our camps.


Tyler has been fortunate enough to develop solid relationships with some of the top trainers, coaches, and athletic health and wellness workers in the Chicagoland area.


Our elite staff will create an environment for our athletes that they can thrive in! Our Gem athletes will be receiving an exclusive experience that will take their game to the next level. Our staff is carefully selected for each camp with qualified personnel that fit the mission and vision of Hidden Gems Camps, LLC.


Meet The Team


Tyler Pearson

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Owner and founder Tyler Pearson brings unique insight into the training world and current needs of collegiate programs due to his unique background ranging from all levels of the game. Before founding Hidden Gems Tyler Pearson worked with the Windy City Bulls (NBA G League) in the area of basketball operations, Adidas Sponsored All In Athletics serving as; Elite Coach, Director of Recruiting, and  Director of Northwest Boys, a current coach at Montini Catholic High School, Pearson also is currently Owner of Game Seven Elite Basketball Training.


Hidden Gems Partners

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Hidden Gems Camps is able to accomplish our mission by having select partners that we feel share our mission. Hidden Gems Camps aims to fully serve the athlete, while providing a trusted service to colleges and schools who participate in our camps! Hidden Gems Camps and our partners are working hard to ensure we are offering the best possible service that our camp participants can rely on to aid them in accomplishing set goals they have for themselves. 

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